Neues von "Dick" Troy

[ Das KARMANN Ghia Forum ]

Geschrieben von Jörg Müller, KGCS am 16. Februar 2001 12:53:36:

Hallo zusammen,

die folgende Mail aus der Karmann-Ghia Meiling List müsst Ihr Euch mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. Ich hab das gerade von Andreas bekommen und gedacht mich trifft der Schlag. Das bestätigt mich nur wieder in meiner Meinung zu Richard Troy. Das ist ja dermassen borniert. Wer in Karlsruhe war, weiss was ich meine.



> Hi Patrick,
> thanks for the post. I guess it's official now, so I am perhaps more at
> liberty to speak... ...For those of you who've been following this (or
> those who haven't but have an interest), here's the scoop:
> About three years ago, the Marketing and PR person at Karmann was
> Herr. Lentz. I approached him about Karmann's 100th. He agreed that this
> was important for Karmann and that Karmann would be organizing something,
> both internal and external. I went to meet with him in May, I think it
> was, just prior to the Bad Camburg event at Willie Lottermans and was
> surprised that in April Herr. Lentz had resigned and Dr. Eick had taken
> the position. So, I met with Dr. Eick. He wasn't particularly interested
> in an event that would include the public. He essentially said Karmann
> would take no part in any public celebration. I was shocked.
> I struggled with this view: Their 100th only comes ONCE! How can they not
> be proud of their heritage and not celebrate it? I found out that
> apparently "Clubs" have a really bad name at Karmann because after various
> clubs have visited the private Karmann collection, numerous damages
> occurred and numerous parts have been stolen - and I knew it myself to be
> true; On visits since '89 I have seen the damage and noticed the missing
> parts... However, we're not ALL rude like that! And I began a campaign to
> get something done anyway...
> It seemed natural to me that German and other European clubs would take
> the lead. But as I asked around, nobody was even aware that 2001 was fast
> approaching or why anyone would care. I ALSO found that the Karmann Ghia
> community in Europe, and especially Germany, are HIGHLY factional. There
> are, or were, no less than five clubs which claimed to be _the_ Karmann
> Ghia club of/for Germany - None of the various members attended their
> couterparts events, or even noticed them, and they didn't talk to each
> other...
> I then tried to get things going with them anyway. It was a nearly
> universal attitude: "We won't participate unless it's clear it will be a
> success." NOTHING will ever be a success with THAT attitude! So, I moved
> forward with non-German clubs and only found ONE, with a Mr. Wim Koelman
> (sp?) at the helm, which was ready to help make it happen... But HE was
> very far away. Worse, the Germans, I found out "through the grape
> vine", were HIGHLY jealous/resentful that an American would attempt to
> organize such an event... They have been, it appears, dead set on doing
> all they can to avoid helping in any way at all... (Note that THEY aren't
> planning anything - how can THEY be upset that SOMEONE is?!) Worst of all,
> Karmann - Dr. Eick - continued to refuse to participate in the celebration
> in any meaningful way. (I had pointed out to him that they, Karmann, can't
> stop us, the passionate enthusiasts of Karmann, from having a
> celebration!)
> So I contacted the city of Osnabrueck and got them involved and THEY were
> excited and eccstatic! ... The city got involved. They instantly committed
> two major halls, police, medical, fire, parking, vendor permits, and all
> the rest! And it has taken several months to reach the present state of
> affairs. There was a recent meeting in which I had three "moles" (spies)
> who reported back to me that when the City asked what support Karmann
> would give the celebration, Karmann's answer, well, ... I should perhaps
> just summarize that they told Karmann that Karmann would have to do
> better. Karmann still wasn't thrilled, and replied that as long as it was
> "club-led" they wouldn't play ball. So the city stepped forward and took
> over the celebration organization lead role. NOW Karmann could have no
> such reservations! And, from what my sources tell me, we are now much more
> likely to get the support from Karmann that is crutial to the success of
> such an event. My intelligence reports tell me that the City has DEMANDED
> better support. And they have the clout to back up their demands! -grin-
> ...So, now you have some insight into the goings on.
> The bottom line is that We are ON for a GREAT event! The dates are August
> 17-19, 2001, in Osnabrueck, Germany. Get your tickets NOW! It will be an
> event to remember!
> Regards,
> Richard


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